BRICS Legal Forum
Partners Luiz Tarcísio Teixeira Ferreira and Juliana Wernek de Camargo participated in the BRICS Legal Forum.
The Brazilian economy is stablished as a system based on market relationships. Regarding economic relationships, private initiative is pointed by the Brazilian’s Federal Constitution as a fundamental principle. It means that private initiative in business, in general, receives constitutional protection. The exercise of any economic activity is ensured to everyone, regardless of authorization from government,…
DetailsPublic concessions and public-private partnerships (PPPS)
In Public-Private Partnership contracts (PPP), Brazilian law sets limits for it. For instance, it’s forbidden contracts (i) under the amount of R$ 20 million (about US$ 5 milions); (ii) with duration shorter than 5 years; or (iii) for the sole purpose of labor supply, supply and installation of equipment, or public works execution. Administrative contracts…
Corruption is a hindrance to business all over the world. With the entry into force of anti-corruption laws, the absence of a compliance program becomes increasingly difficult and risky to do business with other countries. Adapting to the international scene, Act n. º 12,846/2013 is the Brazilian first anti-corruption law to charge companies by acts…
DetailsBrazilian financial market regulation
Through private fundraising (popular savings) to finance its activities, the Brazilian financial market is a palatable alternative to the financing of private enterprises. It is an important financing mechanism for domestic and foreign companies and, in consequence, a driver of the national economy. The regulatory agencies that compose the Brazilian Financial Market are the National…